/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 1:34:24 ноя 11, 2007 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 10:45:42 апр 8, 2013. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ prototype_array = $H( { '1': $H({ '2': ' Upgrades', '3': 'Deciding to Buy', '4': ' Purchase Options' }), '2': $H({ '5': ' CD Copy', '6': ' Download Copy', '7': ' Activation Issues' }), '3': $H({ '8': ' Start-up', '9': ' Game Setup', '10': ' General Gameplay', '14': ' Pref and Log files', '15': ' Importing Hands' }), '4': $H({ '11': ' Getting Started', '13': ' Troubleshooting' }), '5': $H({ '12': ' General' }) } ); function get_field_values() { params = ''; ['category', 'topic', 'email', 'subject', 'question'].each( function(field) { if ($(field).value != '') params += field + '=' + $(field).value + '&'; } ); return params; } function update_faq(full_update) { if (full_update) { new Effect.Appear('faq-update-message', {duration:.3}); var ajax = new Ajax.Updater( 'faq-container', '/support?ajax=t&' + get_field_values(), { method: 'post', evalScripts: true, onSuccess: function(response) { new Effect.Fade('faq-update-message', {duration: 1}); } }); } else { var ajax = new Ajax.Updater( 'display_msg_dummy', '/support?ajax=t&js_only=t&' + get_field_values(), { method: 'post', evalScripts: true, onSuccess: function(response) { } }); } if (false) { window.location = "/support?" + get_field_values(); } } function change_category(new_category) { if (new_category == '-') { update_topics(false); } update_topics( prototype_array[new_category] ); update_faq(true); return true; } function get_topic_default_text() { if ($('category').selectedIndex == 0) { return '-- Select a Category --'; } else { return '-- Select a Topic --'; } } function update_topics(new_topics) { innerTopic = $('topic').innerHTML; $('topic').innerHTML = ''; opt_count = 0; $('topic').options[opt_count++] = new Option(get_topic_default_text(), '-'); if (new_topics) { new_topics.each( function(node) { $('topic').options[opt_count++] = new Option(node.value, node.key); } ); } } function change_topic(new_topic) { update_faq(true); return true; } // If javascript is enabled then the update topic button is hidden function init() { $('update_topic').style.display = "none"; } function toggle_faq(faq_id) { new Effect.toggle(faq_id, 'blind', {duration:.7}); } function href(target) { window.location = target; } function hide_overlay() { Effect.Fade('popup', {duration: .3}); Effect.Fade('overlay', {from: .6, duration: .5}); // IE 5-6 has z-index problem with select inputs, since they were hidden, must now display them Effect.Appear('category', {duration: .5}); Effect.Appear('topic', {duration: .5}); } function overlay(target) { offset = window.pageYOffset||document.body.scrollTop||document.documentElement.scrollTop; $('overlay').style.top = offset + 'px'; $('popup').innerHTML = ""; Effect.Appear('overlay', {from:0.05, to:.6, duration:.4}); Effect.Appear('popup', {duration: .5}); // IE 5-6 has z-index problem with select inputs, so hide them if (false) { Effect.Fade('category', {duration: .3}); Effect.Fade('topic', {duration: .3}); } var ajax = new Ajax.Updater( 'popup', 'http://www.poker-academy.com/overlays/' + target, { method: 'post', evalScripts: true }); }